Thursday, January 8, 2009

What Men Want From Women?

Both genders seem to be worlds apart, but in fact are really quite alike. Men always ponder what exactly is going through a woman’s mind, while women also wonder what do men really want from women. But most importantly, both men and women are actually looking for the same things, although they state them in a different way.

- Men Likes Confident Women

Most men prefer women who are comfortable with themself. But most of the time, the women thinks that the man prefers certain kind of females and try to be that kind of woman by faking it. Men lose interest once they realise that the woman isn't true.

- Positive Women Attracts Men

Rather than getting yourself worried about what do men want from women, you should concentrate on being yourself and not trying to be someone else. One of the first things a man takes note of, is the level of confidence in a woman. Men respect and love women who are genuine. His interest wanes as soon as he finds out that the female is not what she is trying to be. Men are attracted to women who are in complete control of themselves. Its a fact that men do not care much about the flaws in a woman, but are attracted to them instead. It attracts a man as he thinks it intriguing that a woman can be herself without any excuses for her flaws.

- Men Love Humorous Women

It is important to know that men place a lot of importance on having a good time with their partner, this does not require both to have the same interests; it just means that the women should be cheerful and sporty, to be game for some real fun. She should be sporty and outgoing with a pleasant personality, instead of being a spoilsport.

- Kind Women Attracts Men

Women should also be caring and kind. Men like to be respected, not berated. A small challenge is ok, but putting a man down isn't a good idea. Men like women who are happy with themselves and have assurance about things in life.

Are These Qualities In You?

The answer to what men want from women, requires a lot of honesty and confidence with a kind heart and a sense of humor. Keep in mind not to overdo things. Being overconfident, self-centered or untrue to oneself is a big turn-off.

1 comment:

  1. What Men Secretly Want by James Bauer: Free presentation for women
