Monday, September 21, 2009

3 Things to Do to Make Your Boyfriend Yearn For Marriage

Although it is something that drives many women crazy, the fact is that many men are very reluctant when it comes to making commitment for marriage. It is very common to find men who will say how much they a woman but then avoid anything that can bring up the issue of lasting commitment.

If your boyfriend is of this type, you can go through a great deal of frustration in case you are already considering marriage. What should you do in such a case?

There are basically two options open to you. First of all, you may resign yourself to the circumstances, and either wait endlessly for him to propose or move on to another relationship. Secondly, you can decide to take measures that will move your boyfriend out of his comfort zone so that he decides to marry.

There are actually a few simple steps that can help you to make him yearn for commitment, which you should take advantage of.

1. Use reverse psychology
A very effective method in making your boyfriend long for marriage is not to talk about the topic in the first place. Trying to raise the issue of marriage will just make your boyfriend build more resistance. It will appear as if you are trying to push him into a corner, a situation that no man appreciates.

It is when you show no interest in marriage that your boyfriend will instead be interested in the matter. This is basically due to the fact that men enjoy the thrill of chasing, and satisfaction of reaching success. On the other hand, if they notice that they are the ones being hunted, they will instinctively pull out.

Challenge him to the chase, and he is bound to come after you. In the process, he will at last decide to commit to marriage.

2. Pull back a bit
If you are dating a man who does not seem to have any interest in tying the knot, you may think that you risk losing him when you are not always available to him. Unfortunately, this will just make him see no sense in making any more effort. You should instead pull back so that he will have something to miss in you. It is this that will arouse his interest.

3. Maintain your independence
If you sacrifice your independence in the hope that this is what will make him want to marry you, then you are wrong. Do not let go of your interests, and always take care of your financial responsibilities. It is by maintaining your own individuality that you will appeal more to your boyfriend, and thus he will yearn to take your hand in marriage.

As you can see, influencing your boyfriend to long for marriage is not really as complicated as it seems at first.

Thursday, September 17, 2009

4 Tell-tale Signs to Determine Your Boyfriend's Commitment to You

Have you ever been in a relationship where you have really wanted to know your boyfriend's stance? Perhaps he does not talk about commitment at all. Or perhaps he tells you that he is committed but you would like to ascertain the naked truth.

This is a situation that many of us easily find ourselves in. There are times when you may be engulfed in doubt, a situation that can leave you quite frustrated. Fortunately, there are some signs that can help you to know what is really going on at the back of his mind.

1. Determine the time you spend together
Men usually go to great lengths to be in the company of the women they love. Your boyfriend may not consider it an inconvenience to travel long distances to have just a few moments in your presence when he really adores you. Does he try to spend every little time he can with you?

During the times when he can not be physically present, a committed boyfriend will call you every now and then, sometimes just to say hi. On the other hand, a guy who has one reason after another for not showing up or calling you still has no intentions of outgrowing the dating stage.

2. Listen to what he says
A guy who is serious about commitment will share his future plans with you. He will not just talk about his future; there will be a definite way that will show you that he is actually considering you as part of his future life. You will notice that he talks about things in plural terms although he is single. This means that he is already including you in his life. A boyfriend who still enjoys dating will not talk about his future in such a manner.

3. What about his money?
A guy who is ready to commit will take great care with what he does with his money. Such a man will plan of investing his money in a variety of profitable ventures.

It is even more telling if he takes you as he looks for what to invest in. For instance, he may want your company as he looks for a home to purchase. This shows that he would like your input in his future.

4. Check who he introduces you to
Only a serious guy will take the step of introducing you to people who are close and dear to him, such as his family members. If this happens, know that he is ready to commit.

These are just a few examples of the signs that will help you to determine if your boyfriend is truly serious about walking down the aisle with you. Try this:

Thursday, September 10, 2009

3 Definitive Signs Your Boyfriend is Suitable for Marriage

When you are dating a man, there reaches a point when you start thinking of settling down in marriage. In such a case, you will certainly take a closer look at the man. Is he really suitable for marriage? This is not something you can take lightly when you consider that you are looking for someone with whom you will spend the rest of your life together.

The issue becomes even more important in consideration of the fact that while nearly every man will be ready to get into dating, quite a good number of them do not seem interested in taking things any further. It is therefore important for us to know how to read the signs from our boyfriends so that we can determine whether it is worth putting more effort in our relationships.

1. Consider how he talks about his future plans
First of all, a man who is seriously considering getting married will talk about the things he expects to do in the future. He will lay out sound plans that help in establishing a stable relationship. The fact that he shares his future with you is also a good sign. This means that he is actually considering sharing that future with you.

In addition, you should pay close attention to the terms and phrases he uses as he refers to his future plans. You may notice that although he is single, he will talk about the future in plural terms. This is a clear indication that he does not expect to spend the rest of his life alone.

2. Does he introduce you to his family?

The way he talks about his plans will tell you that he is thinking of sharing his future with someone, as we have seen. When he introduces you to members of his family, this is a very good sign that you are the one he is considering to share that future with. These are very important people in a man's life, and he won't take such a step if he has not already reached a sound conclusion. When your boyfriend introduces you to his family members, this is a bold step that shows that he is really made of marriageable stuff.

3. Determine what he thinks about divorce
As much as people do not get into marriage expecting a divorce, it is actually those who are not ready to settle down who have very strong views on the subject. This essentially shows their fear of the risks that a marriage relationship brings.

These three signs will help you determine if hes ready for marriage.

Thursday, September 3, 2009

How to Make Your Boyfriend Get Serious

If you have been dating a man who is proving to be a player, you may go through a lot of frustration. However, instead of drowning in a sea of worry, you can take measures that will pull your boyfriend out of his current condition so that he decides to make a commitment. While it is true that there are a few men who will simply not consider such a lasting commitment, the fact is that many will actually enjoy settling down in marriage. It really depends on how you play your cards.

Depending on how you act, you can actually make the man turn from all other women and focus on you alone. You do not have to suffer in silence as you see your man moving from one girl to another. Here's a secret for women:

Do not turn a blind eye

The way you react when you are aware of the fact that your boyfriend is a player will have a great deal of significance. It is important to act in such a manner that shows you have a high self esteem. For instance, when you are with your boyfriend and you notice that he focuses on a particular lady more than normal, you should not start whining about it or assuming that you don't notice. Instead, bring his attention squarely on the girl in question. Make a direct comment in appreciation of her.

This method will be more effective in bursting the developing bubble. The fact that you have pointed out the girl to your boyfriend will diffuse his interest in her. Men tend to enjoy flirting around if their girlfriends do not seem to take any notice. In addition, such a step will make you more appealing to him, as it will demonstrate your confidence.

Spark off his hunting nature
Men are hunters by nature, and you will get more attention from your boyfriend when you give him something to chase. This means that you should not be readily available whenever he needs your company.

However, you should not go to the extreme opposite and try to match his flirting around. This is not the time to start dating other men. You should just make yourself busy in other ways in order to show him that you are independent, and there are other important things in your life.

The risk of losing you will make your boyfriend get more serious about your relationship. This will influence him to quit playing around and focus just on you. In this way, he will take measures to make a lasting commitment.