Thursday, October 21, 2010

Relationship Rescue Plans Can Really Help Save Your Love

Do you need a relationship rescue plan? If life has gotten in the way of the two of you spending quality time together and all you seem to be doing lately is sniping at each other about stupid stuff that really doesn't mean anything, maybe you two need a break.

Plan a weekend away and just go relax and try to reconnect. It doesn't have to be expensive or even far away. Just somewhere the two of you can spend some time alone and start to rebuild your relationship.

While taking your weekend away, plan to talk things out. Promise each other you will both be as open and honest about everything as you can be. You need to work together to save your relationship.

Another suggestion would be to join a group (maybe your church offers one) that is taking couples on a retreat, if you are both willing. Not exactly couples counseling but if you feel as though you need a relationship rescue, a couples retreat could work out nicely for both of you. You will be required to open up and talk about your feelings during group therapy discussion, compete with the other couples in physical challenges, and learn how to better communicate with your partner by completing specialized communication exercises with your partner.

A couples retreat could be very eye opening and beneficial in learning what your partner thinks about your relationship. You may learn something you did not know about your partner and vice versa. Anything fresh and new that the two of you can share will open up doors you did not know were there and inject new life into your relationship.

When you get home, make a plan for the future. Sit down together and list some goals that you each would like to see happen in one year, five years, ten years. You get the picture. When each of your lists are complete then compare them, see what goals you have in common and try to combine them so you have one list with mutual goals on it. Keep any other goals on a separate list and pick one from it when the mutual goals have been realized in the time frame you chose.

If one of your goals is to remodel a section of the house, again sit down and plan out everything that you think a remodel would entail. Make sure that the two of you are on the same page when it comes to the type of fixtures you want and what you want the finished room to look like. Good communication is necessary to complete a project like a remodel and to reduce or eliminate misunderstandings it is essential to talk things through and have a plan. Whether you plan to do the work yourselves or hire it out communicating effectively with each other and the contractor you hire is very important.

So now you know that if you need a relationship rescue plan, your relationship really is in your hands and the two of you can make it or break it. It is all up to you.

Here's a video on magic of making up

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Discover The Power Of A Compliment - by Kara Oh

One of the most meaningful things you can say to a man - and even win his heart - is simply to offer a sincere compliment. A compliment about his appearance, something he's done, or created can make his day. What you get back is usually a smile, sometimes a conversation and an assumption that you are a caring person. Not bad for such a small effort.

If you're a person who compliments people it shows them that you're aware of others and care about them. If you never compliment anyone it could mean many things: you may have grown up in a household where compliments were not offered; you may be insensitive; you may be too wrapped up in your own thoughts to notice others; or you may not care about others. If you never offer a compliment, look at the quality of your relationships. It would be safe to guess that you're not happy with them.

Men rarely get compliments about their personal selves. Chances are good that you're the first person to compliment them in a long time. If a man gets a compliment at all, it will generally be about their outward accomplishments such as work or sports.

Women get compliments about their appearance, their clothes, their new hair style, their smile, their eyes, etc., from both men and women. Men rarely get that kind of attention. So give the man you're getting to know a compliment and see how he lights up. It can be something as simple as, "I'm so impressed with how calmly you handled that situation." Or, "I like how smart you are. You challenge me and I appreciate that." Or, "That's a beautiful suit and it fits you so well."

The easiest way to tell a man you care, or to get noticed and remembered, is to give him a sincere compliment, especially if it's about something he probably doesn't get much attention for. Pay attention to what he admires about himself and let him know that you noticed and he'll think you're pretty special.

Attention Women: When you get a compliment receive them graciously. When you discount a man's compliment it makes him feel awful. It makes you look bad and eventually, you won't get any more. I've often asked men about this and they tell me that once a woman discounts his compliment instead of appreciating it and letting him know he made her feel good, he soon quits doing it. Practice receiving compliments graciously with your women friends. It feels a whole lot better. Try, "Well, thank you. That's so nice of you to say (or to notice)." Or, to have some real fun, say, "Thank you for noticing," which tells the other person, in a playful way, that you appreciate yourself. It's a great confidence builder.

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

How to Make Your Boyfriend Commit

Many women go long dating relationships as they wait for their boyfriends to propose to her, there are actually simple measures that women can do to help guy want to commit to the relationship. However, women commit serious blunders trying in their efforts to make the guy want to commit to marriage. The methods discussed in this article will be able to help succeed in your efforts, and fast.

Avoid the topic

If you would like your boyfriend to think of marriage, this is the topic that should be furthest from your conversations. If you keep talking about your expectations of marriage, you are likely to make your boyfriend feel pressured to commit. In such a case, you are more likely to draw his resistance.

The best way to how to make him commit is to steer clear of the topic in any way. You should avoid giving any hint even when you do not actually say anything that points to marriage.

Don't be available all the time

If you are in love with a man and would like him to marry you, you will feel like being with him all the time. You will also go out of your way to fulfill his wishes. Unfortunately, this is counterproductive, as it will make the man relax his efforts. He knows that you will simply wait for him until he is ready.

However, if you pursue some of your own interests that do not take him into consideration, the man will realize that there is a real risk of losing you. Unless he does not really care about you, your boyfriend will not sit back with such a possibility. Instead, he will take measures that will draw you closer to him, making him commit.

Accept him

Many of us unconsciously try to change our boyfriends to suit our own likings. However, if you want your man to rush into proposing, you should let him know that you accept him as he is. Here is one of the places where actions speak louder than words. Don't tell him but show him instead that you accept him.

Interestingly, when you are not obsessed with changing your guy is when he will make efforts to change in a way that appeal to you.

These are some examples you can do to influence your boyfriend to seriously think of marrying you. There are also many other things that will help you in this effort that you should be aware of. You should not just sit by as you wait for your boyfriend to commit. Learn how to make him commit by encouraging him to get into an appropriate frame of mind through such subtle measures.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Make Him Fall In Love With Me Again?- 4 Ways To Win Back His Heart

Everyone knows that almost all relationship will have to go through the usual periods of rough seas. While some minority will be able to sail through their problems with ease, and others will feel a serious strain with relationship problems. If you are going through a  rough period in your relationship you need to have to make sure that you're doing what you need to do to keep a relationship.

A lot of women are not as lucky. Some women will find that their boyfriend or husband has simply fallen out of love with them. While this can cause serious problems with the relationship, it does not have to be the end of the relationship. Some hearts can be won back. If you find yourself wondering "can I make him fall in love with me again?" you need to evaluate your situation.

Use these four barometers to gauge your chances of winning back his heart.

Talk to His Friends

One of the best places to find out about his feelings for you will be through his close friends. If you have a close, common friend, talk to them about your issues. They may be able to tell you whether or not he is thinking about you, and if he is thinking about trying to work things out with you.

Talk to His Family

It is important to talk to all people who are close to your boyfriend or husband to find out how he feels about you. If you are close to his family members talk to them about him. They may be able to tell you whether or not he would be willing to fall back in love with you.

Gauge your Current Contact

Think about the last few encounters that you have had with your boyfriend or husband. Have you still had times that have been enjoyable? These are clear signals that he still enjoys being around you, an important sign for those who are trying to get their boyfriend to love them again.

Have a Face-to-Face Conversation

The only true way to understand how he feels about you is to talk to him. Talk to your boyfriend or husband about how he feels about you, and if he feels as though you can have reconciliation. This will give you clear insight into your chances of getting him to fall back in love with you.

If you are going to try to win your boyfriend/husband back you need to understand your chances. You need to understand what they feel about you, and how they feel about your relationship. Talk to the people that they are close to in an effort to see what they are saying about you. Think about the contact that you have had with him, and how that may indicate his willingness to fall back in love. Those who ask "can I make him fall in love with me again" need to use this information to understand whether or not it is worth their time.

For more information, Click Here

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

When He Wants Nothing More Than Casual Friendship - What Should You Do

Very few ladies would want to get into a relationships just to pass time, we want guys who is genuine and not just looking for fun. So it'll be disappointing if your guy tells you that he is only interested in casual friendship. This does not have to spell that that's the end of a relationship. You need to take some actions so in order to avert such a possibility. Here are some tips for you.

Agree with the guy

Starting an argument over his statement will be counterproductive. If he says that he has no interest in anything more than that, you should accept his point of view.

When the man says this, it means that he has taken time to think about the issue and has reached his conclusion. Debating the issue will make him close his mind even more.

Don't give yourself away

Some women think that the way to make the men change their minds is by allowing themselves to having sex with them. Never make this mistake.

If your guy would like to keep seeing you every once in a while once he has already stated his point of view, politely but firmly decline the offer. This means that he is simply out to take advantage of you, and you should not let yourself be so used.

By accepting such a situation, you will just be downgrading yourself. Maintain your dignity. It is in this way that you will actually earn his respect.

There are a number of things that you can do to influence your guy to want more than casual friendship. There are a number of psychological tricks that will help you to encourage your guy to start calling you and take things to a higher level. However, you need to act before things get out of hand. For more information, go to

Sunday, September 12, 2010

How to Make Him Commit – Find Out Why Men Won't Commit

One of the worst fears for a man is that of committing himself to a woman. How to get a man to commit in a relationship? Most women have been subjected to this worst fear of the other sex and have often suffered a lot because of it.

There are so many cases that you hear about on a daily basis where a couple, known to be dating for a while, suddenly goes in different directions. What is the reason why men won't commit? After the whirlwind romance, woman usually was ready to go ahead and commit herself to the guy but he developed cold feet at the last moment.

Commitment Phobic Men
Men especially unemotionally or men afraid of commitment are not ready thinking of marriage or taking the relationship seriously. Taking a step towards commitment sometimes is the biggest step that a man will ever take. It is for this reason that a man is much happier when the relationship is in the initial stages. Both you and the guy are living happily with no questions asked in that 'blissful' stage of the relationship.

It is when you start getting restless due to the lack of growth and commitment in the relationship that the man will start moving backwards. Most of these men view commitment as an unnecessary burden and something that can be done away with. Unfortunately for men, women are not on the same page as them on this issue.

Slowly the relationship will enter a stalemate. The guy doesn't budge and the woman lives in the hope that he will fall-in-line someday. As days pass without a resolution, the couple starts to get irritated with one another over small issues; they pick fights over petty things and avoid each other big time. Slowly and gradually, before they realize it themselves, the relationship is over.

Since women tend to be more emotional, the process of getting away takes a heavier toll on them. They start reacting in funny ways and do things that will only make the relationship worse. The woman will think that she has every right to be upset and angry with the guy. She will start throwing tantrums and accusations at the man. Unfortunately, the men get least affected by this. They often view such actions of women as overreactions and even hysterical!

Now you may ask whether there is a better way to deal with it. Yes, there are a few things that a woman can do to make this situation better. First of all, she needs to be an epitome of understanding and care. She has to be very patient and has to let the guy express himself. Knowing exactly how he feels may help you establish a deeper connection with him.

All this doesn't mean that you spoil the guy rotten. Giving him everything in one go means there is nothing left to share. Always put away something for later; that will keep him asking for more. Women have many talents that can let them have their man craving for them all the time. It is just a question of putting those talents to maximum use to get more from the man.

How to make him commit? So once you have established what your man really wants, you can use that latent potential in you to draw their favors. After that, the 'I love you' will come with such frequency that you will forget the count again and again.

Get more tips on how to make a guy fall in love with you

Friday, August 27, 2010

7 Simple Tips on Making a Man Notice You Quickly

There are many things that we do as women in order to make the men we are interested in fall in love with us. However, making a man fall in love is one thing - keeping him in love is a completely different matter, and it is even more important.

There are a number of things you can do in order to make a man go crazy about you. In fact, there is more of growing than falling in love. You need to know how to nurture that growth. There are numerous tips and tricks that can help you to make the man grow in love with you fast.

Your first step is for you to have the confidence that you can actually achieve this goal. Don't expect to succeed when you just hope for failure.

1. Listen to him

If you would like a guy to enjoy your company, you should learn to listen to him. This does not mean that you have to agree with all that he says. He will realize that you value him as a person, and he will love for it.

2. Make yourself unique

There are very many women, who are attractive too, and you need to have something that sets you apart from them. Find your strong point and use it to your advantage.

3. Be yourself

Do not try to be like the super star you saw on TV. Just be yourself and you will earn his respect. Sooner rather than later, any pretence will show through, and you will come off worse because of it.

4. Have some sense of humor

If you are able to bring a smile on his face, you will score a lot of points. You should not expect to attract a man when you are always serious.

5. Make yourself attractive

One of the first things that will make a guy notice you is how attractive you present yourself. Put on well and be generally clean.

6. Be cheerful

There is hardly anyone who would enjoy the company of a gloomy person. When you are happy, you will diffuse the happiness all around you.

7. Show your femininity

This will help his masculinity to show through, and men love this.

You can surely inculcate these simple steps into your life in order to win the man of your dreams quickly. Just one thing you should be aware of though - do not go after a man no matter what it takes. There reaches a point where you have to let go.

Monday, August 16, 2010

How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You: Can I Make Him Fall In Love With Me Again? Secrets Revealed

How To Make A Guy Fall In Love With You: Can I Make Him Fall In Love With Me Again? Secrets Revealed

Can I Make Him Fall In Love With Me Again? Secrets Revealed

Every relationship will go through periods of rough seas. While some will be able to get through their problems with ease, others will feel a serious strain on their relationship. Those who are going through an incredibly rough period in their relationship need to make sure that they are doing what they can to keep the love in the relationship.

Unfortunately, some will not be as lucky as others. Some will find that their boyfriend or husband has simply fallen out of love with them. While this can cause serious problems with the relationship, it does not have to be the end of the relationship. Some hearts can be won back. If you find yourself wondering "can I make him fall in love with me again?" you need to evaluate your situation. Use these four barometers to gauge your chances of winning back his heart.

Talk to His Friends
One of the best places to find out about his feelings for you will be through his close friends. If you have a close, common friend, talk to them about your issues. They may be able to tell you whether or not he is thinking about you, and if he is thinking about trying to work things out with you.

Talk to His Family
It is important to talk to all people who are close to your boyfriend or husband to find out how he feels about you. If you are close to his family members talk to them about him. They may be able to tell you whether or not he would be willing to fall back in love with you.

Gauge your Current Contact
Think about the last few encounters that you have had with your boyfriend or husband. Have you still had times that have been enjoyable? These are clear signals that he still enjoys being around you, an important sign for those who are trying to get their boyfriend to love them again.

Have a Face-to-Face Conversation
The only true way to understand how he feels about you is to talk to him. Talk to your boyfriend or husband about how he feels about you, and if he feels as though you can have reconciliation. This will give you clear insight into your chances of getting him to fall back in love with you.

If you are going to try to win someone back you need to understand your chances. You need to understand what they feel about you, and how they feel about your relationship. Talk to the people that they are close to in an effort to see what they are saying about you. Think about the contact that you have had with him, and how that may indicate his willingness to fall back in love. Those who ask "can I make him fall in love with me again" need to use this information to understand whether or not it is worth their time.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Should I Call Him? Stop! Don't Call Him!

It is only natural for us to wish to hold the special men we date firmly so that we do not risk losing him. You may go on a date with a great guy who promises to call you later. As you wait with bated breath, hours turn into days while things are quiet. You will feel a great urge to call him and inquire as to what is happening. Stop! Don't call him!

You should not let your emotions take control of you. Unless the agreement was that you suppose to give him a call, don't call him as to avoid giving him the impression that you are desperate and needy.

While some people will advice you that you should take greater initiative, the truth is that men are more at ease with pursuing. When a man notices that you are chasing him around, it will be very easy for him to bolt. So whenever you feel the urge to call him, Stop!

Pass the test

Although you may think that your man is not as interested in you as you would like, the opposite may be the case. Not calling you may simply be a method of testing you. Perhaps he would like to determine how possessive you are among other reactions. When you don't call him, you will actually pass the test. Let him have interest in pursuing you.

It is not only when you are developing your relationship that you should refrain from calling your guy. The same still applies even when you have already established a good relationship. Remember that habits are hard to break. When you get used to calling him, he will get used to waiting for your call as well. This is not something that he will do consciously. You should therefore take stock of yourself in order to change the pattern that things have fallen into.

You will therefore need to develop great discipline to be able to hold yourself back.

Get into his mind

Should I Text Him? Before you pick up the phone, you should have a good understanding of how men view the phone. A wrong use of the phone may just turn your man off. Before you ruin that great relationship, stop! Don't call him!

Get more information on should i text him

Thursday, July 22, 2010

Secrets on How to Make Yourself Irresistible To Men

If you would like to make yourself irresistible to men, you have to know how to dazzle them. This has nothing to do with being like a model. There are some things that will help you to achieve this when you put them into practice. Some of these things are what we normally do even without being aware of it.

For instance, we tend to naturally straighten our clothes and hair, check the make-up we have put on, and generally groom ourselves when we are in the company of the men we are attracted to. You just need to put more conscious effort. You can turn your neck and make your hair toss.

Remember to put on a flashing smile. A smile is one of the most powerful tools at your disposal. Look into his eyes and give him a warm smile and you will be on your way to opening the door to his heart.

Maintain a steady gaze at him for about five seconds as you smile before turning your eyes elsewhere. Remember that you are not in a staring competition. It is universally accepted that eye contact is an indication of being open. Do this within an interval of about a quarter of an hour or so.

We have briefly touched on turning your neck. When you expose your neck, it sends a strong signal of interest and it will help you to achieve a number of things. For one, turning your neck will enable you to lock your eyes as we have just stated. This will make the man note that he has some worth that deserves more than a single look. It will also help you to toss your hair, which will hardly go without notice.

Let your lips be moist and shiny, which is quite inviting. You can lick them discretely to keep them moist and welcoming.

You will cut a more seductive look when you cross your legs and un-cross them. A man will be attracted to see more of your legs, and you will spark his interest. This will help to enhance your curves, something that is bound to make a man's heart beat a little faster.

When you are finally closer together, give him your full attention, and he will appreciate your company. Don't just stare at him. Give signs that show that you are actually listening. For example, give a nod, and smile where appropriate. When you are close enough, you can brush against him delicately.

Reflect his body language and he will take note. This will give him the indication that you share something in common. Just don't make it obvious that you are copying him. More tips here:

Friday, July 2, 2010

Do You Want to Get Your Ex Back?

When you have a breakup and either it is good or it is bad, hardly ever is it just a break up. You usually don’t talk for a couple of days sometimes you will never talk again, this all depend on the two people that had the relationship and then the breakup.

What I want to talk about in this article is simply why you want your ex back. That question should always come before the question how do you get your ex back? But unfortunately people jump to step two and they don’t even have a clue as to what they need to do and how they need to do it.

To answer this question why do you want your ex back is very simple at times and then can be very complicated as well? A lot of times breakups are sudden and are just out of anger at one another and once the calm down they want to get back together because they are in love. That is where the question how do you get your ex back? Comes into play, this is a pretty common thing that goes on and can get ugly at the end and never has a great ending.

Sometimes a couple breaks up simply because one of the two had sexual relations with another and broke the heart of the other. Now what happens here is the partner that cheated on the other comes to the conclusion of, “I messed up and should have never done that” and they think that it will all be okay as if nothing happened. But they find themselves trying to answer that same question, how do you get your ex back? And most of the time this partner really never answers this question at least not on this circumstance.

Then there is times when a couple just had enough and wants to give it a rest for a while. A lot of the time this is not what both partners want but the opposing partner does not resist for it is the wish of the other. However when a couple of months, weeks, or even days pass the opposing partner wants his new ex to be his new girlfriend again and finds himself asking that all important question, how do you get your ex back? A lot of the time they will eventually become friends but it is a 50 to 50 chance that they will get back together but there are at least no hard feelings.

When one partner decides they had enough they have a better chance of getting back with the other at will simply cause the other wants to be with the other. The problem here is that the partner that decided to break up in the first place ends up breaking the other partner’s heart again anyways. In the end someone is bound to have their heart broken at least once or twice, but oh well that is life.

Click here to get your ex back

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Make Your Boyfriend Committed To a Lasting Relationship

Very few women are interested in establishing a relationship with someone just to pass some time. Women like the guys to be committed to them. Yet achieving this usually proves quite a difficult task for many women.

It is usually frustrating but common for many guys who say they are in love to fail to commit to a marriage relationship. It is a strange fact that many of the guys do not seem to be even interested in establishing a steady date.

For women, is there anything that they can do in order to enhance a relationship that seems to get rusty just at the dating stage? The enlightening news is that there are actually a number of things that women can do in order to encourage your boyfriend to make a more lasting commitment. These simple steps will motivate your boyfriend to have a drive for pushing things further. Here are some of these effective steps.

What many women do not realize is the fact that pursuing after a guy only tends to be counterproductive. In case you have been chasing after your man, you need to change tact. You should instead start to be non committal. You will most likely meet resistance if you try to push the man to make a commitment. On the other hand, you will arouse his curiosity if you appear to be non committal.

If you give the impression that you have no thought of taking things any further than they are at present, you will arouse the hunting interest that men have and he will come more strongly after you. There is need of caution; however, as you should not give the impression that you are so content with being single that you will entertain no disturbance of the status quo.

A number of simple things will help you to drive the message home subtly. For instance, make your own plans that do not include him in any way. You may be 'busy' in other places when you know that the guy will need your presence. Instead of being available to him, you may go out with your girlfriends.

In case you have been in the habit of calling your boyfriend, you should stop it, effectively driving the message that you have other matters to take care of. When the guy realizes that you are not fully in his grasp, he will not take the relationship lightly any more.

You also need to watch the things that you say. Ask yourself whether you are giving him a good picture that would make him enjoy your presence in a lasting commitment.

Such simple measures will help you to encourage your boyfriend to be interested in considering tying the knot with you. You do not have to spend your time in constant worry as to when, or even whether, he will finally decide to settle down with you. Help him to make the decision instead.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

“Let’s Still Be Friends” What Does He Mean?

There is so much headache after a relationship end. If you didn’t have any real warning then your mind is going to be teeming with all kinds of thoughts. Why being dumped suddenly? You did get it, What did you do? What actually is going wrong with him? "Lets be friends?"

So how confusing is it when he tells you he wants you to stay friends? He’s just cut you out of his life and now he’s saying he wants you in it. Does he really still love you, does he just like you or is he just feeling guilty and trying to let you down gently? Or maybe he’s just crazy and doesn’t know what he wants at all.

In all probability, he really doesn’t know. He felt there was a problem in his life and he convinced himself that it was his relationship with you. So he ended it. But that didn’t seem to fix anything. All he can see now is that he had something, which he threw away. He realizes he still wants you around. He can’t believe that he wants things to be the way they were so he thinks the only way to keep you in his life is on the terms of friendship.

To you that seems like a pretty poor second to what you had before. But he doesn’t realize it looks that way. From his point of view, it demonstrates to him and to you that he still has feelings for you. That means you need to capitalize on them.

If you want to get back together, you need to work out what it was that made a good relationship seem bad. All couples go through hard times but the secret lies in understanding your strengths together and eliminating your weaknesses. But asking you to be his friend could well be the first sign that you’re destined to be together again.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Why Men Won't Commit - 4 Tell-tale Signs

Why men won't commit? He does not talk about commitment when he asked him. He tells you that he is committed but you would like to ascertain the naked truth. This is a situation that many women find themselves in. There are times when you may be engulfed in doubt, a situation that can leave you quite frustrated. Here are 4 tell-tale signs that help you to know what is really going on at the back of his mind.

Determine the time you spend together

Men usually go to great lengths to be in the company of the women they love. Your boyfriend may not consider it an inconvenience to travel long distances to have just a few moments in your presence when he really adores you. Does he try to spend every little time he can with you?

During the times when he can not be physically present, a committed boyfriend will call you every now and then, sometimes just to say hi. On the other hand, a guy who has one reason after another for not showing up or calling you still has no intentions of outgrowing the dating stage.

Listen to what he says

A guy who is serious about commitment will share his future plans with you. He will not just talk about his future; there will be a definite way that will show you that he is actually considering you as part of his future life. You will notice that he talks about things in plural terms although he is single. This means that he is already including you in his life. Men who can't commit will not talk about his future in such a manner.

What about his money?

A guy who is ready to commit will take great care with what he does with his money. Such a man will plan of investing his money in a variety of profitable ventures.

It is even more telling if he takes you as he looks for what to invest in. For instance, he may want your company as he looks for a home to purchase. This shows that he would like your input in his future.

Check who he introduces you to

Only a serious guy will take the step of introducing you to people who are close and dear to him, such as his family members. If this happens, know that he is ready to commit.

These are just a few examples of the signs that will help you to determine commitment phobic men and if your guy is truly serious about walking down the aisle with you.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

How Can You Tell If He Loves You – 2 Sure Fire Signs

How can you tell if a man you are dating, if he loves you? This is one question women have wanted to know for an answer. Nothing is quite as frustrating as being in love with a man and he show signs that he is not comfortable sharing with you things on his mind. If you are in such kind of relationship you will have to figure out on your own.

Women like to be assured, to feel cherished by the man in her life. No woman likes to be with a guy who is not treating her with respect.

So if you want to know if he loves you or whether he feels as deeply connected to you emotionally as you do to him, there's some sign you should look for:

1. He shares personal information or problems with you. Most women do not pay close attention to how much the man asks about us, but it is actually very telling. If he would much rather talk about you than his own, that are a great sign.

2. If he loves you he will not get enough of the woman he adores. He will want to find out every single thing there is to know about his partner. Next time when you meet and talk, list carefully to his words for it give you amazing insight into his heart and if he wants to find out more about you and your family.

3. If he loves you he will want to spend as much time as possible with you. If not, he will give you many excuses for not being able to meet with you. A guy who is in love is never too tired to meet up with the woman he loves. He'll go to the extent of driving miles across town just to see you for a five minutes talk. He will make you the priority in his life if he loves you.

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

How to Get a Capricorn Man to Fall in Love

Capricorn men are very driven to succeed and to them their career is very important. The interesting thing is they love to feel needed so if you are supportive of his desire to perform well you would be greatly rewarded. However, if you are the type that crave for his attention you are bound for disappointment.

If you want to get a capricorn man to fall in love with you, don't try to get him jealous or play silly games with him, you may have problems getting along with him.

In order to get along well with a capricorn man you need to ensure that he knows you support him all the way. Be a trustworthy partner, adore and love him the way he is. Capricorn men don't like to feel they are dominated by their women and it is not wise to try to change him because they are stubborn.

Approach capricorn men

Do not be put off by how reserved the guy is when you try to start a conversation. Capricorn men like women who are strong and independent. To approcah a capricon man, try keep your conversation light and witty. They don't like to be dominated, and because of ego they will be the one to make the first move when asking for a date.

Help him be himself and you will have no problem to have a great future having a capricorn man in your life.

Get more information on capricorn men

Monday, May 24, 2010

About Relationship - Eight Rules to Successfully Tap Your Emotions

Men and women differ a great deal in the number of emotions they carry and even in the way they deal with the emotions they have. Most men usually tend to be less emotional and less expressive than most women.

Whenever a relationship is happy and fruitful, it lasts longer. For some even this might be a reason for concern. It is especially problematic with regard to women who tend to get 'clingy' in successful relationships. Some of them are unable to take stock in their feelings and as a result, it may overwhelm their men with all kinds of overtures. However, some women resort to this behavior due to past bad experiences, which make them very insecure.

A bad relationship of the past makes the affected woman feel that she may have to bear the pain once again. This makes her defensive and she may take steps that can be termed by some people as 'shrewd'.

Emotions, if tapped in the right direction, can be used to improve relationships and for making them longer and more fulfilling. However, there are some guidelines you must follow in order to do a productive tapping of the emotions.

Rules for Successful Tapping of Emotions

Don't make an effort to know everything about men - This turns out to be the most wasteful exercise you can undertake. Men are strange and there is no way to gauge their 'strangeness'. Also, never make an effort to know the reason why your man did something. Men do a lot of things just for the heck of it. The best option is to just let them be.

Cultivate positive thoughts - Most times, your man may not express it but he still loves you. You have to be positive about yourself and also about your man's feeling towards you.

Emotions under control - Whenever a woman gets overly emotional she tends to lose control over her actions and speech. Positive emotions can be good for any relationship but negative ones can spell a disaster. It is, therefore, a good idea to not get carried away by any kind of emotions. Whenever you feel overwhelmed, stop yourself in the middle and take a rain check on whether your feelings are justified.

Keep your mind off him - Whenever there is something that troubles you about him (a particular habit or action), try to steer your mind away from it. Think of your friends, family, the day's other events and anything that helps you take focus away from him.

Do not throw emotions at him continuously - Face it, too much emotion can drive anyone insane. Imagine your best friend talking and getting emotional with you all the time. Would you like it? Probably no. No one does. Spare your man this trouble.

Let go of your fears - Fear is the biggest handicap in the world and quite literally for relationships too. The more you are scared, the more you tend to paralyze yourself and your man.

Feel good about yourself - A confident and self-assured woman is someone not many men can resist. Carry a positive self-image and see it work wonders for you.

Get up close with yourself - A woman who knows what she wants will gain confidence of her man in every sense. Keep the good emotions rolling and find good men who want to be up close and personal with you… all the time. For more tips, visit

Monday, May 17, 2010

2 Ways To Keep The First Date Conversation Flowing

A first date can be extremely awkward. Both of you are nervous and trying to make a good first impression. Maybe you're not the most confident person either, which makes keeping the conversation flowing a bit more difficult. When people become nervous and unsure of themselves, they tend to clam up, believing that it's better to say nothing at all, than it is to say something and look stupid.

However, clamming up doesn't work either. Sure, you might not look stupid, but you'll still look boring. The man or woman sitting across from you will think there is no chemistry between you, and the second date will be a distant fantasy. Wouldn't you like to avoid this eventuality and know how to keep a first date conversation flowing?


You don't have to get your date drunk in order to loosen their tongues a bit. You shouldn't get drunk either. Nothing is worse than getting punch drunk, saying something stupid or looking like a complete moron on the first date. But you can enjoy a glass of wine together, and use the alcohol to relax.

Add to this, a nice quiet, unthreatening atmosphere, such as a romantic restaurant and some candlelight, and you've got a recipe for success. If you want to keep a first date conversation flowing, keep some wine flowing as well!

Questions Answered

The best way to keep a the conversation flowing is to ask questions. Ask your date what he or she does for a living, what their interests and hobbies are or what they like to do to relax. You'll get to know more about them, maybe get an idea for a second date and the conversation will flow naturally.

You also need to look interested when your date answers your questions. Don't yawn, stretch, break eye contact to look at another guy or woman and never wear a bland expression. When they answer your questions, follow up with another one or add a tidbit of your own. Your questions will surely lead to them questioning you too, so be ready for that. Choose topics that you feel comfortable answering. By asking questions first, you can control the path of the conversation somewhat, so use this to your advantage.

There you have it. Keeping the conversation flowing on a first date is as easy as that. When you're out on your next date, be sure to keep these two handy dating tips foremost in your mind, and you're sure to be successful when conversing. Don't let another date dwindle into the realm of awkward silences and rejection.

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

How to Make A Man Fall In Love With You

Take good care of yourself.

Stay in shape and eat a healthy diet. Make sure you presentable at all times (hair, nails) by practicing personal/oral hygiene. If you take pride in how you look, the man in your life will take pride in that as well.

Be confident.

Men like women who are sure of themselves and where they are going in life. Women who are decisive and have high self-esteem would seem to be much more attractive. If you are not all that confident naturally, its time you practice. Socializing more with others would definitely help in building up your confidence; maybe learn a few things at the same time.

Find out where he hangs out, and you hang out there too, if possible.

Studies have shown the more we are exposed to a stimulus (person, place or thing), the more we like it. So, the more he sees you, the more he will like you. Just pretend that you were just stopping by his hangout and you happen to see him, so it makes things natural.

Once he gets used to having you around, start to become less and less available.

There is truth to the saying “Absence makes the heart grow fonder,” so make him miss you and work extra hard to have you around. Things that are easily gotten are easily replaced, keep that in mind.

When you talk to each other, look longingly into his eyes.

Studies have proven that people who are in love look at their partner 75% more than usual, regardless of whether they are alone or in a group. So hold eye contact with him longer than normal, and you can trick his mind into thinking that he’s in love with you.

Make him feel like he is the only man in the world for you.

Whether it’s a small note wishing him a good day, a light caress or gentle kiss, make sure he feels like he is the only man in your world. Men like the women in their lives that are able to make them feel special, and the woman who can do that will be the one he loves.

By following these tips, that guy of your dreams should start noticing you and get interested in you.

Click here to discover more on the secrets and strategies that will have your dream guy falling in love with you!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

How to Make A Man Want You More

So you met this great guy, spoke with him a several times, obtained his number and most importantly – got his attention, what do you do from here? Most women would try in vain to make him fall in love with them by endlessly calling them up for dates now and then. Do realize that men get turn-off by women who seem to be desperate. Instead try talking to him casually to next time you meet him, take it in your own stride, and do not rush things.

“The more you interact with someone, the more they'll like you”, confirms an expert in human behavior. Numerous studies show that repeated exposure to a person, place or thing makes us like it more (the only time it doesn't hold true is if our first reaction to it is negative). So try not to be conservative or evasive in the beginning. Instead, find lots of excuses to spend time with him from the START, it makes him interested in you.

Now, here comes the complicated part. Just when you're convinced you've won them over and they like you, start being a little less available. And then even less, until they hardly see you at all. This is explained in detail below.

You've now effectively put the 'law of scarcity' to use. We all know this one: when people always get something that they want, it diminishes in value in the long run. If every time you opened your front door in the morning, there is always a fresh stack of gold bars at your doorstep, you will not see them as precious after awhile would you?

The law of scarcity only makes them want you. Be around and then not around and they'll want and like you more. He will be practically craving for your presence!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

4 Things How to Keep a Man Happy

Every woman has experienced that loser who approaches her with some lame pick-up line. However, she’s also experienced a pick-up line that catches her interest. Some lines work, some don’t. However, it’s in your best interest to know what works with a man and what doesn’t.

Four Things to Remember When Trying How to Keep a Man

First and foremost, clingy doesn’t work. Second on the list (and could be interchanged with first) is needy. Clinging to a man’s coat tail is a reflection of insecurity. You’re scared that if you leave him alone too long, he will find someone else. Well, the truth is, if you don’t give him the space to breathe, you will have the exact same result you were trying to avoid. He will find someone else.

Sex does not mean love. If you have sex with him too soon or the only interaction you have with him is sexual then there’s no challenge for him. He doesn’t have to put forth any effort into a relationship because he can have you whenever he calls (even at 3 a.m. when he’s sloppy drunk). Men want a challenge. They want to chase, acquire and conquer their aspirations. If it’s handed to them on a plate, he will clean the plate and throw it in the sink until he wants another feeding.

Remember that friendship doesn’t always lead to relationship. You want to be a best friend to him and solve all his problems. You think that doing this will make him love you for the rest of his life. While you absolutely should be friendly, don’t try to be his best friend. In the role of best friend, he will share all his thoughts with you including thoughts of other women that interest him. The painful part is you won’t be one of those women you hear about.

So then how to keep a man happy? What is it that captivates him? It’s just four little words: confident, emotionally secure women. Rejoice in the fact that you are an amazing woman. Be a woman that knows what she wants from life and actively pursues to achieve it. Keep your emotions in check. Be reasonable and rational on a level that he can relate. Remember that you are human; thus you are imperfect.

Recognize your shortcomings and make a plan to correct them. Allow him to recognize his own shortcomings and let him fix them. Know that you are an asset to any man and appreciate that he is lucky if you choose him to be in your life. To know the secret how to keep a man, make him a part of your life, not the entirety of your life. Live life with a sense of excitement and watch him seek your time.

Monday, April 26, 2010

More Breathing Room - Overcoming Obsession and Dependency In Relationships

Being obsessive in a relationship is not healthy. In fact this can become a very big problem for both people in the relationship. It is important to remember that you have to give each other space and freedom so that each of you can live a healthy and happy life together. Being too dependent on another person can cause a lot of emotional and physical stress.

1) Jealousy is dangerous

When someone is jealous these feelings can be there for a number of reasons. One of the reasons can be due to the fact that the person is too dependent on the other person I the relationship. This is a destructive behavior that can bring on more and more problems to the couple.

here are many that do not realize that they are displaying feelings of jealousy in the relationship due to an obsession or dependency to someone. They are not seeing the fact that they are making it hard to function like normal couples. Jealousy can be a big problem for many and it is important to try and stop it first thing in the relationship.

2) Taking relationship advice

There are many out there that can offer relationship advice. It is so wise to take what you can get in situations of obsession and being too dependent on someone. You have to see how you can get over the fears that you have inside you and move on to a better and more fulfilled future together. You need to find someone that you can talk to and trust to display what you are feeling and that you want to get help.

If you think that you need to get real help for this problem, you may want to find some kind of therapy to help you through it. This can be very therapeutic and help you find out why you are having these feelings. These types of therapy can help you overcome the feelings of obsession and help you learn to not be so dependent on another person.

3) Healing tips for you

Being obsessive and dependent to extremes is not something that you want to do. You surely hate having these feelings and want to find ways to deal with it so that you can have a happy and healthy relationship with someone that you love. You will want to pay attention to the tips that are available for you to learn about and be stronger and more independent in a relationship of any kind.

4) What are you obsessing about?

Think about what you are so worried about happening. Are you afraid that they will leave you or move on? You have to figure out what makes you so scared that you have to this overwhelmed with obsessive feelings towards the other person. One you do this, you may be able to figure out how to stop it and move past these feelings on your own.

Take some time to get in touch with yourself. Think about what you are feeling and sit down and allow you time to breath without involving someone else. You want to take deep breaths and make sure that you have all that you need before you confront someone. Taking your anger out on the person that you love will only harm your relationship and bring you more feelings of sadness and overwhelming.

5) Take a break

You may have to separate yourself from one another until you have learned to deal with your obsession. Getting stronger and learning how to live independently without having to obsess about someone else is going to be a major change for you and it is necessary to take time to be yourself and to move forward with your own life first.

6) Have courage

You need to have courage to face your fears. Chances are the problems of obsessive feelings that you are having are not the other person's fault. You have to own up to the fact that you are the problem and you have to face it. You need to commit yourself to change the way that you live and feel so that you are not destroying your relationship that you want to have so much.

Learning to take over your feelings of obsession in your relationship is going to make the difference. You will see that you can have a happy and healthy situation when you decide to change the negative and turn them into positive feelings. You can overcome being to dependent on your partner and give both of you the breathing room that you need.

Find out exactly what men want in love and marriage! Do you know that almost all relationship and marriages could be long lasting if ONLY you would understand the man in your life? Sign up for your free insider info on all secrets about men. Priceless knowledge and tips over at Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know Blog!

Article Source:

For more information, visit

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Tips on How to Tell if a Guy Likes You - 5 Signs He's Interested

How are you able to tell if a guy likes you? You have been observing this guy even if you are a distance away from him. You are sure he noticed you and he showed an interest in you. Both your eyes met as he looked at you at about the same time you saw him. He does seems to glue his eyes on you watching you as you mingled among your friends? Anyways how can you be sure and tell if a guy likes you? How to read a guy and know if he's showing an interest in you.

Here are some indications. You have a pretty chance he's trying to get close enough to ask you out:

His friends are teasing him

He tells a mutual friend and they are teasing him. They know he likes to find out more about you, and he sure finds out about you from your friends. He behave like he is "simply inquiring" but his questions indicate more than a casual interest. He tells his friend you're attractive, he most likely sees that it will get back to you.

Glue to you look

He offers you a glance every now and then which betrays his calm exterior. Despite the fact that he's across the room, "that look" he has says it all. It will be sweeping, from your head to your toes, and then his eye balls stick around in yours. He smiles when whenever he has the chance.

Question he ask

If he really likes you? Whenever he manages to get close enough for you to ask you questions, he's interested. They appears to be listening and responds to what you say. He wants to find out: "Are you waiting for someone". He would get the answer and if he find out that you are available and not wearing a ring, he still has some chance.

He shows himself

A guy will be trying to get your attention by showing up out of nowhere. He can only do that in the event that he's been asking people about you or he's been paying attention where you're going and at exactly what time. His face may show he's shy when he sees you. He tried to say a "Oh, hi," and the "I don't show the obvious gestures that I'm interested in you".

Be an interesting and well-liked and happy person that draws guys to you. Work on your career possibilities and physically. Learn how to dress up, for self confidence work on your conversational skills but at least put on an attractive smile.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Why You Should Not Wait For Him to Call

Given the fact that many men do not use the phone as often as we would enjoy, many of us just spend time waiting for the calls. However, if you are in such a position, then you are not really helping to nurture your relationship as you may think.

Dating is fairly tricky, and you need to know how to handle things. One thing you should be aware of is that whatever you do will help the man to come to some conclusion about you. In case he realizes that you are always hanging around in anticipation of his call, then do not think that he will love you more. Yes, sometimes things are not as reasonable as they may appear.

While it is truly not fair for the man to promise to call you and then fail to keep the promise, the way you react to this situation will say a great deal about you. This is even more challenging due to the fact that the men tend to use the phone in a different way.

If the man is greatly passionate about you, he will call. However, when you give the impression that you are always waiting for a call from him, this won't spark his desire to call you. In fact, his motivation will just be dampened instead.

When you are always thinking if he'll call, you will be greatly tempted to pick up the phone and ask him what's going on. Unfortunately, this will just make you appear to be desperate for affection, which is not good.

Concentrate on other things

Instead of just hanging around expecting him to call, you should keep yourself busy. Immerse yourself in other daily activities. This will be beneficial to both of you.

Since you will be occupied, you won't have to think about his call all the time. This means that you won't brood and just get frustrated, which will just make things worse even when he finally calls.

On the other hand, your man will realize that he still has a lot of work to do since there are other things at the top of your priority list. This will motivate him to pick up the phone and call you regularly.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Some Reasons Why Men Don't Call

As much as you may have been dating a great man, there are some issues that may cause you no little concern. One of the greatest concerns that we tend to have is why they take their time to call us. This is something that bothers women in all stages of their relationships, whether they have just started dating or have been going out for quite some time.

There are many reasons that make men not keep their promises of calling. However, many women generally reach very wrong conclusions. The fact that your boyfriend is not calling does not automatically mean that he does not care about you. When you have a good understanding of the factors that make men use the phone less often, you will be better placed to nudge your communication towards the right direction.

On rare circumstances

Although it is not very common, one of the reasons that may make the men not to keep their words is when they have been very busy. On a few occasions, your boyfriend may be so occupied with other duties that he will push the issue of calling you to the back of his mind. However, this is not really a major issue, as he can easily squeeze a minute to get in touch.

Giving you a test

A major reason why men do not call when they say they would is to monitor your reactions. The way you react will show how you view your relationship, and men would like to know where they stand in our lives. If you shower him with blames, he will realize that your life revolves around him. There are basically two situations that may arise. The man may see that you are already firmly in his hold, and he will relax his efforts, which means that he will call even less. On another level, your reactions may give the impression that you are craving for attention. Men are put off by such women.

So, when your boyfriend doesnt call, you will actually fail the test when you decide to call instead. Don't call him. When he finally calls, don't be quick in answering the phone either. Just be careful not to go to the extreme opposite by becoming impersonal. What is important is to show him that you have an independent life. This will make you even more appealing to him.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Important Dating Etiquette for the Ladies

There are high chances that you have already heard that there are some rules that you need to follow when calling the man you are dating. One of the areas of major concern is how and when you should do the calling - that is if it's okay to call him in the first place.
In case your boyfriend does not call, should you call him instead? If so, how long should you wait before you make that call? If you just get his voicemail when you call, what should you do? These are some of the delicate questions that bother many of us.

There are some basic rules that will help you to handle your dating well by making appropriate use of the phone.

Go slow

One of the most important things you will need to bear in mind is to seldom use the phone. Do not get into the habit of calling your boyfriend every now and then. Although some people will advice you that you should never call him at any point, this is again going to the opposite extreme.

You should be aware that your boyfriend will reach some conclusions about you depending on how you make use of the phone. There are basically two conclusions that your boyfriend may come to when you are used to calling him often. This may tell him that you are already deeply in love with him. As much as you would like him to know that you love him, when he sees that he has won you already, he will relax his efforts. The first things that will go are his phone calls. He will be comfortable in the security that you won't go anywhere and hence won't bother calling.

The other reason may completely ruin the relationship. Your incessant calls may make you come out as a desperate lady, which will not put you in a favorable position. This can easily put off your boyfriend, and he will disappear even more. Men prefer doing the chasing. If the tables turn and you seem to be chasing him instead, he may bolt.

When to call

You should generally keep away from the phone. However, there are some exceptions. For example, if you both reach an understanding that you should call at a certain time, and then you should go ahead and do it. But this should not develop into a habit. For more tips go here:

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to Make Him Commit Secret

If you are in love with a guy, you will undoubtedly want more than just dating. However, many men seem to stall at the dating process. This may prove challenging as you wonder how you take your relationship to a higher level.

Studies have shown that quite a good number of men appear to be content at the dating level. Given that many of us would like to establish a stronger relationship, this is a condition that creates a lot of frustration. If the status quo goes on for long, you are likely to feel that this is the guy's method of rejecting you, something that will make you resentful.

However, you should understand that there is absolutely no reason why you should suffer in silence. You can actually take an active part in determining the course that your relationship takes.

Basically, you will need to make the guy long for something more than the present dating process. In other words, how to make him commit? You need to make the man think of making more commitment on his own. You should not bring this up as your own idea.

In order to achieve this, it is important for you to have a better understanding of his thought patterns. This is important since men usually think differently from us.

One of the important factors you should be aware of is that it is part of human nature to go on the defensive when there is an indication of some kind of accusation. This is even true of our male counterparts. This means that when you confront him with the issue, you are likely to face a strong wall of resistance.

You should therefore watch against mentioning any stronger relationship than simple dating. Otherwise you are likely to make your man balk at the thought that you want to 'tie him down'. If you keep talking about marriage, you will just make your relationship develop into a cold war, which you are not likely to win. In fact, you should avoid talking about plans that put you together even for the coming fortnight.

If you want to influence your man to get out of his comfort zone, you should think about your own independent plans. This means that you should not organize your life around him. Do some things on your own without taking him into consideration. For example, take some time out with your girlfriends. Or at least just get 'busy' doing any other thing apart from being available to him.

You should take a step back in a discreet manner in order to drive your message more effectively. If the man thought that you were firmly under his grasp, hence his comfort with the present condition, he will think twice. When the guy realizes that there is the risk of losing you, he will take your relationship more seriously so that you do not slip from his hands.

There are secret ways to make a guy commit when you knows how. Imagine if the man knows that he will get everything he wants as things are at the moment, he will hardly make any effort.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Some Reasons Why Men Won't Call

Many of us who have dated men have faced the frustration of dealing with men who do not enjoy calling us. This is something you can face right at the beginning of your relationship or even when the relationship has grown steadily.

As much as you would like to talk with your guy over the phone, he may seem not to be aware of this opportunity that technology has availed. Why is the relationship between your man and the phone so strange?

Although there are various reasons why men wont call, many ladies get the reasons quite wrong. Here are some of the basic factors you should be aware of.

He is trying to see your reaction

While you may think that your boyfriend does not call because he has forgotten all about you, the fact may be that he is actually thinking of you. He may do this as a test to see how you will handle the situation. How long are you going to wait before you decide to call him? If you go ahead and call within a couple of days to ask about his lack of calling, you will give him the impression that you have very strong feelings towards him. While it is not bad for him to be aware of this fact, the problem is that this comfort will make him put even less effort in coming after you. This means that you will make him just call even more rarely.

The best way of sparking off his desire is to avoid calling him. When you challenge your man to chase after you in this way, you have better chances of success. He will value you more when he puts more effort to win your affection.

If he calls and leaves you a message, you should answer him - but not immediately. Call him, say, after a day or so and do not start being apologetic.

When you want to impress your boyfriend, you should heighten his curiosity. He will call to find out what is taking place on your side.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

When He Promises to Call but Doesnt Keep His Word

If you are dating a guy, there may be times when he promises to call but doesnt. This is fairly common, and many women have had to deal with such a situation. There are a number of intricate issues that you will need to take into consideration when a guy says he'll call but doesnt, what should you do?

Need to curb your urge

When the guy fails to keep his word, you feel the urge to call him instead. This is something that you should tell yourself not to. This is the area many of women get it wrong. Many women will worry about what could have happened and pick up the phone to find out. While it is good to be forthright, in this case it will not bring the desired results. There are high chances that you will just put him off instead. When he thinks that you are pursuing him, you will make it even harder to find him. If you appear to be too desperate for affection, you will seen to be appealing either. So if he realizes that you are firmly in his grasp, he will relax you will hear even less from him.

Let him keep what he promised

When the man gives his word to call but doesn't, do not fulfill his promise for him. Let him keep his word, however long it takes, which is not to say that you should wait for his call endlessly. Do not jump to your own conclusions about his failing to call. What you should take into consideration is your how you react to the situation.

You will appeal to him more when you do the lest. Men enjoy chasing the things they are after so you need to give him space to chase you, then he'll be motivated to call you. Get more tips here:

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Should Women Take The Initiative to Call The Men?

When you're dating, should you take the initiative of calling him? This is a question that troubles many women.

If you think that it is perfectly okay for you to be the one making the calls between you and the man you love, you are mistaken. This is something that is bound to affect both of you. On your part, you will feel that it is rather unfair for the man to leave you to carry the greater burden of encouraging communication between you. On the other hand, the man will really see no reason to call since you are doing it anyway. While he will be content with the fact that you are already making the calls, you will be burning with frustration as it seem every time you're the one to call him.

There are a few simple tips that will help you get out of this rut. You just need to have enough discipline.

Get into his mind

You should bear in mind that men do not communicate in the same way as we do. Another important fact you should know is that the men will quickly get used to the way the relationship is developing. In case you happen to start off with making frequent phone calls, he will come to expect you to call. He knows that he will get your call when you do not hear from him. So he won't have any motivation to call. On the other hand, you will get used to calling him and inquire as to what is happening.

End your calls

If you would like to see things taking a different turn, you will need to start the change yourself. Just end your incessant calls to him. Should I call him? It is understandable that you will strongly feel like picking up the phone when he does not call for a number of days. However, be determined not to give him any call.

As has been said repeatedly, actions speak louder than words. While it is not exactly wrong to tell him directly that he should take a fair share of the calling, you will get better results when you show him the fact through actions.

When your guy realizes that he no longer receives your calls as he used to, he will pick up the phone and call.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Dating Tips for Women - When He Wants You to Call

Given the different makeup between us and the men, we are more inclined to use the phone than they are. It is therefore something that infuriates many of us to wait for the men of our dreams to call, as they tend to take ages in doing it.

As a single lady who has an interest in a guy, you will be interested in talking with him every now and then. It is hence disappointing when he seems to just enjoy the opposite. Talking on the phone is likely to come more natural to you than him, yet perhaps you already know that you should let him call instead. This is given the fact that the way you use the phone may make you be mistaken. Now, in the event that it's the guy who has told you to call him, what should you do?

There are a number of reasons that make men sometimes ask their ladies to call. This is a method that some men use as a way of cushioning themselves in case a rejection pops its ugly head at some point in the future. On the other hand, there are some who may simply not be that interested in the relationship.

Dating tips for women - If he does not answer

Should I call him when the guy tells you to call, then it is perfectly okay to do it. Unfortunately, there are times when you may call and he does not answer the phone. If this happens, make sure that you leave him a voicemail. Make it short and polite.

When he calls back in turn, you should not rush to answer just as the phone begins to ring. Otherwise it will appear as if you were anxiously waiting for the call, which is not necessarily good.

You should be aware that this may be a means of testing your reaction. If your man tells you to call him and you don't get him, that single voicemail should be enough. If you keep calling until finally you find him, he will be comfortable in the fact that he has already won you. Being natural hunters, this will just make the men to get lazy since there won't be anything to chase after. You should therefore let the man work at getting you.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

3 Reasons Why Your Boyfriend Ignores You?

You may have gone out on a great date with a man who promised to get in touch with you. After the date, however, he seems to disappear into thin air. Why does he ignore you? This may happen due to a number of reasons, some of which we are going to take a look at here.

1. It was too easy

Although it is commonly said that men like us to be more aggressive, the fact remains that they would still like to go after us. In fact, all human beings usually give more value to the things they have struggled to get. If you were readily available with hardly an effort on his part, he may just lose interest.

2. Lack of understanding

You should be aware that our male counterparts usually think in different ways. For example, while you may see nothing wrong with spending hours on the phone with him, this may not be the case on his part. When there is no understanding between you, that guy will be less motivated to get in touch.

3. The impression you give

We have just touched on phone calls. If you call your boyfriend every now and then, you won't attract him more. Instead, you will just turn him off when you appear to be chasing after him. The best method is to get in touch with him less often. This will make him miss you and he will contact you.

Another part of this is when you are constantly nagging him about what he thinks of the relationship. If you press him for commitment, he may back off instead.

In general, we tend to speak much more than the men. So, you risk drowning him in a sea of words, which will just encourage him to avoid your company. You may even appear to be trivial as it is really difficult to say so much without repeating oneself.

When your boyfriend begins to ignore you, try to figure out which one of these could be the reason. For more information go check out

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

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Ultimately, the secret of how to look handsome is revealed in The Handsome Factor.

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Should I Call Him? Free Report Download

Should I call him?

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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Should I Call Him - Important Rules for Not Calling Your Date

Have you ever heard men complaining that women are difficult to understand? Well, don't you find it difficult as well as a single lady in search of a good single man? We understand them even less either. Many of us will hardly start dating someone with whom we do not expect to develop a strong relationship. It is therefore very important for us to find out how the men really think about us. This is where the confusion begins.

Given the world of information technology that we live in, the phone is one of the things that create major misunderstandings. This is basically due to the reason that men tend to view phone calls in a rather different way from us.

Follow the rules
If you are a single lady who has started going out on a date with a man you are interested in, there are some measures that will help you to play it safe and win the man of your dreams.

One of the things that many of us take for granted in this world of gender equality is calling the men. We see nothing wrong with it. After all, we care about each other. While this may be true, you should not get used to calling the man you are dating.

This is a piece of advice that may appear quite out of place. However, you will be better off when you follow this unspoken rule. Men by nature love to chase after things with their inherent hunting instincts. The men enjoy pursuing the things they are interested in, including women.

Pique his interest with a bit of mystery

If you do not satisfy a man's thirst for chasing around by making yourself readily available, you just risk losing him instead. So if you go out on a date and you take each other's phone numbers, do not rush into calling him when a few days pass without receiving his phone call. Of course it will be very frustrating to just sit around waiting for his call. Remove the likelihood of frustration by just thinking about his call. Go on with your normal life and keep yourself busy.

Let him hunt

You may easily spoil a great relationship when you rush out and call the man. Since you will have taken the role of the hunter, he won't have any motivation in seeking you. Give him the challenge of looking for you by letting him do the hunting.

However ...

There are a few instances when things work out differently. If the man calls and does not get you, you should take the initiative to calling him back. But don't take hours on the phone.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

The Art Of Seducing A Man - Make Him Find You Totally Irresistible

There's but one phrase you can say to a man that will have him thinking about you for way to get his attention without using your body.

Women who understand men know that he can keep coming back without giving you a commitment IF you are always available for a booty call. But IF you get inside his mind, he will keep coming back to you until he commits to you for good.

If you agree with a man's inner resistance, it will throw him off. The more you push away from his desire to resist, the more attractive he'll find you.

For example...if you've been chatting up a man for a while and he seems to have interest in you. Throw in this sentence. Make sure the timing is right...when the conversation is flowing really well. First smile as if you know something then say to him playfully:

"I don't think you're ready for this."

Don't wait to get his feedback. Just say it and drop it. Change the subject and act as if you never even said it.

He'll have a hard time forgetting it.

It will be the opposite of how women usually relate to him. Most women hint in one way or another that they want something from a guy. When you use the attraction he has for you to agree with his inner resistance to not wanting to feel pressure, it will automatically take the pressure off and believe it or not, he'll internally want to disagree with you and move towards you.  - by Nicole Gayle

To cause a raging wildfire in your man where he craves you day and night, go straight to: or

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dating Rules For Ladies Dating Men

There are so numerous intricate dating rules that it is easy to get confused as what you should really do. The case is particularly challenging if you are a single lady, as nearly half the advice you will receive will seem to contradict the other half.

That is important is that you should bear in mind that although there are general guidelines, no two men are exactly alike - even twins. This means that the reactions of the men are not 100% predictable, as what may make one man tick may make another 'tock'. However, the general guidelines will put you in a better place to understand what you should do.

One of the areas where the greatest confusion arises concerns making of phone calls. The fact that there are hotly contested debates about the issue indicates that this is a very crucial aspect that should not be taken for granted. Fortunately, there are a number of things that will help you out when you take them into consideration.

First of all, it makes little sense for your date to give you his phone number if he does not expect you to call him in the first place. What is important is that you should know when you should call, and how often you should do it.

Call once

After your date, where you received the phone number, you should wait for a couple of days before placing the call. Whether you get to talk to him or not, you should do this just once. If he is not available, leave a politely sweet message. Do not call again. Give him time to call you back. If he has enough interest in you, he will do it before too long, but if he does not call then the relationship would not have flourished anyway. The important guideline for a single lady is to call her date just once a few days after the initial date.

What to consider when giving your number instead

It does not automatically follow that you have to give out your number when you go out on a date as if it is some kind of formality. Do this only when you would really like the guy to use it in calling you.

Don't play hide and seek

Once you have agreed to give the man your number, you should not play games when he calls. Answer the phone and talk with him. Nothing kills a man's motivation to call than missing you on the phone a few consecutive times. If you find his missed call, call him back and let him know that you were away.

Although men love the chase, do not go overboard and pretend to be too hard to catch. Let him chase you - and get you. Here's more:

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Dating Tips for Women - Calling Your Date

Sometimes friendships grow in a strange way. There seems to be mountains and valleys to pass. At one moment your boyfriend may seems very doting, apparently thinking about you every minute. The next moment he will appear to have forgotten all about you, and you will wonder whether he still feels the same way towards you.

The main problem comes from the different ways in which men and women view communication. While we will be quick at letting our feelings be known and get very close to those we are emotionally attached to, the case is almost opposite for the men. When they are feeling their heartstrings being pulled, many men will hardly show it at the initial stages. They are likely to appear to be pulling off instead.

A major area that usually suffers from such reaction is communication through phone calls. While we enjoy communicate with the guys a number of times every single day, the case is different with them. So before you mess things up, you should be aware of how to handle the situation.

Don't call

It is natural for you to experience an urge to pick up the phone and call your boyfriend. This seems to be the best course of action. Unfortunately, things are usually not as straight forward as they appear. You risk giving a very wrong impression of yourself. While you will just be expressing your heartfelt love for him, you may appear to be quite desperate for affection. An important guideline is not to be quick on the phone.

Don't wait for his call either

Men will generally use the phone fairly often during the initial stages of your relationship as they ask you for a date. He is likely to call simply to say you were on his mind. However, when he is assured that you are already deeply involved with him, he will not call as frequently as he used to.

Since you have already known that you should avoid calling your boyfriend, should you just sit around waiting for him to call? No. Go on with your normal life without closing yourself up. If he really cares about you, he will call.

Make him miss you

As you go on with your life, you will in turn give your boyfriend ample space. When there is such a space between you, he will miss you and then he will pick up the phone.

Friday, January 22, 2010

Should I Call Him? Tips on How to Call Your Man

It seems that as time goes by, the practice of dating is getting more and more tricky. While we live in a world of advanced Information Technology, there are numerous tacit rules that you have to abide by in order to be on the right side. There are currently plenty of rules regarding 'should I call him', when you may call your man, and even how to go about it.

The phone is nowadays much more than just a mode of communication, entrenching itself as a very crucial component of the dating system.

Demonstrate independence

As a general rule, you are not the one who should take the initiative to call your man. While you may have gone out on a memorable date with a man, it is advisable that you should not pick up the phone to call him. This in itself is a great way of communicating. This will help you to demonstrate your independence, showing that you are not craving for attention. This in turn shows that you are worthy of pursuit. And that is what men enjoy doing.

As we have seen, the phone does more than just passing the message across. The men at times use the phone as a tool of manipulation. It also acts as some kind of a testing gauge. Your man may not call you in order to gauge how you react to his apparent lack of attention.

When you rush into finding out why he is lost, he will become even more assured that you are deeply involved in the relationship, which will just make him relax even more.

This means that when you would like to call your man, stop. Don't do it. Wait for him to find something of value to pursue in you instead. This requires a great deal of patience, but then as the saying goes - patience pays.

Although there are special cases when calling a man you're dating, be cautious. You may end up driving him away.

Monday, January 18, 2010

3 Simple Steps in Setting a Man's Love on Fire

While it may seem to you that some women have the unique ability of attracting men with hardly any effort on their part, the fact is that these women have simple developed the art. Hence they know how to draw the men without seeming to do anything. You can as well develop such enviable characteristics when you take the time.

So long as you know how to go about it, you will find that you won't have to try to imitate some model in order to make a man burn with love towards you. There are basically 3 things that you need to bear in mind when this is your goal.

1. Develop a strong personality

You should have a strong and attractive personality if you want to draw the man of your dreams. In fact, such a personality will help you to make a success of your life in general in whatever endeavor you are engaged.

When you would like to make that special guy love you, you should enjoy life, have fun, and be confident and motivated. You will feel good yourself and you will diffuse the positive feeling around you, hence he will love being in your company.

2. Make him comfortable

You should not expect any man to enjoy being with you when they find no comfort in the company. However, when you make the man feel great being close to you, he will take deliberate measures to keep you company. He will start thinking of you when he arranges some of his programs. Let him smile and have a good time. Strike a good balance of fun and seriousness, which will make him feel at ease and be able to share some parts of his life. This brings us to the third important measure.

3. Take the time to know him better

At the beginning of your relationship, you should flirt with him as you try to get to know him better. However much you are attracted to him, you should take time before getting into deeper commitments with him.

This calls for commitment and discipline. Lay out your plan and see it through without giving up along the way. Good things are worth fighting for.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

Commitment Phobic Men - Dating Tips for Women

Many of us who are in dating relationships with men are interested in seeing the relationships developing into something more serious. Hence one of the main things that concern us is how we can influence commitment phobic men to want to commit. This is particularly important if your boyfriend does not seem prepared to move to the next level.

There are a number of simple measures that you can take to help your commitment phobic men to consider walking down the aisle with you. However, here is where many of us make major blunders. So, let's see how you can avoid the common mistakes.

Don't make it obvious

Given that we are usually very open to sharing our feelings, you may think that it is only reasonable for you to make commitment phobic men know of how you would wish to be a mother of his kids. Unfortunately, this method tends to backfire, as the guy may just withdraw further into his cocoon.

There are basically two reasons why this approach does not bring the desired results. First of all, most men do not like to be pushed into things, and this is the impression you will create. Your boyfriend is therefore more likely to become defensive and resist your efforts.

The second reason why this method does not work is because it will create a great sense of comfort in your boyfriend. He will know that no matter how long it takes, you won't walk out of the relationship and leave him. Hence, he won't see the need of taking things fast.

So, if you want your boyfriend to take the issue of commitment seriously, do not talk about it in the first place. In fact, you should not even give some kind of clue, such as by leaving bridal magazines where he is bound to find them.

Focus on yourself

You need to think more on individual terms, rather than viewing the two of you as a couple. Even when you are making arrangements for things that you would otherwise do together, plan to do them on your own.

You will get the attention of your commitment phobic boyfriend when you show your independence. Let the men realize that you have your own life that you have to consider.

In this way, he will realize that if he does not get serious then he risks losing you. Unless your boyfriend is not concerned about you, he will take things to the next level.

In addition to these, there are several other particular measures you can take to ensure that you secure the man of your dreams.