Thursday, October 21, 2010

Relationship Rescue Plans Can Really Help Save Your Love

Do you need a relationship rescue plan? If life has gotten in the way of the two of you spending quality time together and all you seem to be doing lately is sniping at each other about stupid stuff that really doesn't mean anything, maybe you two need a break.

Plan a weekend away and just go relax and try to reconnect. It doesn't have to be expensive or even far away. Just somewhere the two of you can spend some time alone and start to rebuild your relationship.

While taking your weekend away, plan to talk things out. Promise each other you will both be as open and honest about everything as you can be. You need to work together to save your relationship.

Another suggestion would be to join a group (maybe your church offers one) that is taking couples on a retreat, if you are both willing. Not exactly couples counseling but if you feel as though you need a relationship rescue, a couples retreat could work out nicely for both of you. You will be required to open up and talk about your feelings during group therapy discussion, compete with the other couples in physical challenges, and learn how to better communicate with your partner by completing specialized communication exercises with your partner.

A couples retreat could be very eye opening and beneficial in learning what your partner thinks about your relationship. You may learn something you did not know about your partner and vice versa. Anything fresh and new that the two of you can share will open up doors you did not know were there and inject new life into your relationship.

When you get home, make a plan for the future. Sit down together and list some goals that you each would like to see happen in one year, five years, ten years. You get the picture. When each of your lists are complete then compare them, see what goals you have in common and try to combine them so you have one list with mutual goals on it. Keep any other goals on a separate list and pick one from it when the mutual goals have been realized in the time frame you chose.

If one of your goals is to remodel a section of the house, again sit down and plan out everything that you think a remodel would entail. Make sure that the two of you are on the same page when it comes to the type of fixtures you want and what you want the finished room to look like. Good communication is necessary to complete a project like a remodel and to reduce or eliminate misunderstandings it is essential to talk things through and have a plan. Whether you plan to do the work yourselves or hire it out communicating effectively with each other and the contractor you hire is very important.

So now you know that if you need a relationship rescue plan, your relationship really is in your hands and the two of you can make it or break it. It is all up to you.

Here's a video on magic of making up

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Discover The Power Of A Compliment - by Kara Oh

One of the most meaningful things you can say to a man - and even win his heart - is simply to offer a sincere compliment. A compliment about his appearance, something he's done, or created can make his day. What you get back is usually a smile, sometimes a conversation and an assumption that you are a caring person. Not bad for such a small effort.

If you're a person who compliments people it shows them that you're aware of others and care about them. If you never compliment anyone it could mean many things: you may have grown up in a household where compliments were not offered; you may be insensitive; you may be too wrapped up in your own thoughts to notice others; or you may not care about others. If you never offer a compliment, look at the quality of your relationships. It would be safe to guess that you're not happy with them.

Men rarely get compliments about their personal selves. Chances are good that you're the first person to compliment them in a long time. If a man gets a compliment at all, it will generally be about their outward accomplishments such as work or sports.

Women get compliments about their appearance, their clothes, their new hair style, their smile, their eyes, etc., from both men and women. Men rarely get that kind of attention. So give the man you're getting to know a compliment and see how he lights up. It can be something as simple as, "I'm so impressed with how calmly you handled that situation." Or, "I like how smart you are. You challenge me and I appreciate that." Or, "That's a beautiful suit and it fits you so well."

The easiest way to tell a man you care, or to get noticed and remembered, is to give him a sincere compliment, especially if it's about something he probably doesn't get much attention for. Pay attention to what he admires about himself and let him know that you noticed and he'll think you're pretty special.

Attention Women: When you get a compliment receive them graciously. When you discount a man's compliment it makes him feel awful. It makes you look bad and eventually, you won't get any more. I've often asked men about this and they tell me that once a woman discounts his compliment instead of appreciating it and letting him know he made her feel good, he soon quits doing it. Practice receiving compliments graciously with your women friends. It feels a whole lot better. Try, "Well, thank you. That's so nice of you to say (or to notice)." Or, to have some real fun, say, "Thank you for noticing," which tells the other person, in a playful way, that you appreciate yourself. It's a great confidence builder.

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

How to Make Your Boyfriend Commit

Many women go long dating relationships as they wait for their boyfriends to propose to her, there are actually simple measures that women can do to help guy want to commit to the relationship. However, women commit serious blunders trying in their efforts to make the guy want to commit to marriage. The methods discussed in this article will be able to help succeed in your efforts, and fast.

Avoid the topic

If you would like your boyfriend to think of marriage, this is the topic that should be furthest from your conversations. If you keep talking about your expectations of marriage, you are likely to make your boyfriend feel pressured to commit. In such a case, you are more likely to draw his resistance.

The best way to how to make him commit is to steer clear of the topic in any way. You should avoid giving any hint even when you do not actually say anything that points to marriage.

Don't be available all the time

If you are in love with a man and would like him to marry you, you will feel like being with him all the time. You will also go out of your way to fulfill his wishes. Unfortunately, this is counterproductive, as it will make the man relax his efforts. He knows that you will simply wait for him until he is ready.

However, if you pursue some of your own interests that do not take him into consideration, the man will realize that there is a real risk of losing you. Unless he does not really care about you, your boyfriend will not sit back with such a possibility. Instead, he will take measures that will draw you closer to him, making him commit.

Accept him

Many of us unconsciously try to change our boyfriends to suit our own likings. However, if you want your man to rush into proposing, you should let him know that you accept him as he is. Here is one of the places where actions speak louder than words. Don't tell him but show him instead that you accept him.

Interestingly, when you are not obsessed with changing your guy is when he will make efforts to change in a way that appeal to you.

These are some examples you can do to influence your boyfriend to seriously think of marrying you. There are also many other things that will help you in this effort that you should be aware of. You should not just sit by as you wait for your boyfriend to commit. Learn how to make him commit by encouraging him to get into an appropriate frame of mind through such subtle measures.