Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Dating Rules For Ladies Dating Men

There are so numerous intricate dating rules that it is easy to get confused as what you should really do. The case is particularly challenging if you are a single lady, as nearly half the advice you will receive will seem to contradict the other half.

That is important is that you should bear in mind that although there are general guidelines, no two men are exactly alike - even twins. This means that the reactions of the men are not 100% predictable, as what may make one man tick may make another 'tock'. However, the general guidelines will put you in a better place to understand what you should do.

One of the areas where the greatest confusion arises concerns making of phone calls. The fact that there are hotly contested debates about the issue indicates that this is a very crucial aspect that should not be taken for granted. Fortunately, there are a number of things that will help you out when you take them into consideration.

First of all, it makes little sense for your date to give you his phone number if he does not expect you to call him in the first place. What is important is that you should know when you should call, and how often you should do it.

Call once

After your date, where you received the phone number, you should wait for a couple of days before placing the call. Whether you get to talk to him or not, you should do this just once. If he is not available, leave a politely sweet message. Do not call again. Give him time to call you back. If he has enough interest in you, he will do it before too long, but if he does not call then the relationship would not have flourished anyway. The important guideline for a single lady is to call her date just once a few days after the initial date.

What to consider when giving your number instead

It does not automatically follow that you have to give out your number when you go out on a date as if it is some kind of formality. Do this only when you would really like the guy to use it in calling you.

Don't play hide and seek

Once you have agreed to give the man your number, you should not play games when he calls. Answer the phone and talk with him. Nothing kills a man's motivation to call than missing you on the phone a few consecutive times. If you find his missed call, call him back and let him know that you were away.

Although men love the chase, do not go overboard and pretend to be too hard to catch. Let him chase you - and get you. Here's more: http://howtomakeaguyfallinlovewithyou.com/

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