Wednesday, March 10, 2010

How to Make Him Commit Secret

If you are in love with a guy, you will undoubtedly want more than just dating. However, many men seem to stall at the dating process. This may prove challenging as you wonder how you take your relationship to a higher level.

Studies have shown that quite a good number of men appear to be content at the dating level. Given that many of us would like to establish a stronger relationship, this is a condition that creates a lot of frustration. If the status quo goes on for long, you are likely to feel that this is the guy's method of rejecting you, something that will make you resentful.

However, you should understand that there is absolutely no reason why you should suffer in silence. You can actually take an active part in determining the course that your relationship takes.

Basically, you will need to make the guy long for something more than the present dating process. In other words, how to make him commit? You need to make the man think of making more commitment on his own. You should not bring this up as your own idea.

In order to achieve this, it is important for you to have a better understanding of his thought patterns. This is important since men usually think differently from us.

One of the important factors you should be aware of is that it is part of human nature to go on the defensive when there is an indication of some kind of accusation. This is even true of our male counterparts. This means that when you confront him with the issue, you are likely to face a strong wall of resistance.

You should therefore watch against mentioning any stronger relationship than simple dating. Otherwise you are likely to make your man balk at the thought that you want to 'tie him down'. If you keep talking about marriage, you will just make your relationship develop into a cold war, which you are not likely to win. In fact, you should avoid talking about plans that put you together even for the coming fortnight.

If you want to influence your man to get out of his comfort zone, you should think about your own independent plans. This means that you should not organize your life around him. Do some things on your own without taking him into consideration. For example, take some time out with your girlfriends. Or at least just get 'busy' doing any other thing apart from being available to him.

You should take a step back in a discreet manner in order to drive your message more effectively. If the man thought that you were firmly under his grasp, hence his comfort with the present condition, he will think twice. When the guy realizes that there is the risk of losing you, he will take your relationship more seriously so that you do not slip from his hands.

There are secret ways to make a guy commit when you knows how. Imagine if the man knows that he will get everything he wants as things are at the moment, he will hardly make any effort.

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